Thursday, July 19, 2012

Love on the Internet?

I met my husband on-line. Which website you ask? I will not tell. However, I will tell you what I did learn about internet dating.

  • It's a lot like high school, but now involves a computer.
  • Don't use your real last name. Some weirdo will call your house.
  • Have fun. Remember that the anonymity of the internet lets everyone be who they want to be. So ask yourself, "Why would a successful millionaire, recently widowed, need you to send him money to take care of his sick and dying child?"
  • One rule I had was I made them show me what they look like on a webcam. If they wouldn't, I didn't go meet them.
  • Never meet someone at your house for the first few times. 
  • Meet in a public place and let your friends know where you are.
  • Text your friends specifics about the person you are meeting (this goes for men and women). Such as: Make and model of the persons car, license plate, physical description.
  • Stick to a time limit.
  • I had kids so I also only gave out my cell phone number.
My best advice is to listen to your gut. If something feels wrong, it probably is.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My New Family

Well truth be told, it's the same family with a few revisions. I got remarried to the man of my dreams a little over a year ago, I acquired a beautiful stepdaughter, and my daughter had my first grandson.

Now for the revisions. My daughter moved home with my grandson. For some reason I don't find it too strange. My mother thought it was odd, but it just feels right.

Sure we are a bit crowded but we couldn't be happier.

So, I began to question the whole idea of what a family was made up of. I have found that we are the new norm. 

Even if it wasn't considered "normal", that wouldn't bother me. I have never been accused of being normal, and quite frankly, I am a bit afraid of anyone that says they are.

Here's to our new happy family and it feels so good. :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Big Green Caterpillar

This is a tomato horn worm. The precursor to a very large bat looking moth. I detest them both. So I've been reading of non-poisonous ways to get rid of them. You can pick them off and drop them in soapy water. (Um, this is not happening. It is about 5 inches long and swatted at me). You can spray it with a hose and hope it falls off. This did not work. He was hanging on good and when you got near, he tried to attack you! Or you can sprinkle cornmeal around and hope it eats it. It can't digest it, so it will die. The last method involves soap. This will be what I try next. My wonderful husband said he'll pick them off, but EWWWWWwww!!

I'm learning lots along the way with our garden. I must say that next year I'll be way better prepared.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sjogren's Syndrome

I was diagnosed with sjogren's syndrome this year. I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. I felt like the wind had been taken out of my sails. All I could envision was a future where my new husband would have to take care of me. Something that I just couldn't fathom. I mean I am the care giver.

For those of you that don't know what the symptoms are, here is a list:
Symptoms vary from person to person but may include:
  • a dry, gritty or burning sensation in the eyes
  • dry mouth
  • difficulty talking, chewing or swallowing
  • a sore or cracked tongue
  • dry or burning throat
  • dry or peeling lips
  • a change in taste or smell
  • increased dental decay
  • joint pain
  • vaginal and skin dryness
  • digestive problems
  • dry nose
  • fatigue
I went to the doctor because I would wake up about 2 a.m. with horrible joint pain. I didn't think it was arthritis because I wasn't stiff in the morning. I suspected the sjogrens because I get cavities easily, even though I have no plaque or tarter.

I suppose I could take the woe is me approach to this but I don't. I am learning how to say no to requests of  my time and focus only on things that are important to me. I have learned not to get exhausted because it makes my symptoms worse. I am also on a quest to finally take off the weight, just to feel better.

What prompted this journal entry?  I have yet another toothache. I have been pondering if I should fill it or pull it. It is pretty inevitable that I will eventually need dentures but I have nice teeth and want to keep them as long as possible.

I'm open to suggestions if anyone wants to let me know what has worked for them.