Sunday, June 24, 2012

The amazing plastic milk jug ring


 To some the ring will look like trash. However that plastic milk jug ring has many uses:

  1. Use to expand your closet space. Place the ring over the hook on the hanger. Then hang the second hanger on the ring. Forgoing the cost of specialty hangers for your closet
  2. Pull dirty socks through the ring and toss in the laundry. You will have matched socks when you take them out of the washer. Remove the ring before going in the dryer.
  3. Cat toys
  4. Cover with ribbon or fabric and use as napkin rings.
  5. Use them to close up chip bags just pull the open end of the bag through the ring.
  6. Slide the stems of cut flower through and place in a vase. Be careful not to break or crush the stems.

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