Thursday, July 5, 2012

Big Green Caterpillar

This is a tomato horn worm. The precursor to a very large bat looking moth. I detest them both. So I've been reading of non-poisonous ways to get rid of them. You can pick them off and drop them in soapy water. (Um, this is not happening. It is about 5 inches long and swatted at me). You can spray it with a hose and hope it falls off. This did not work. He was hanging on good and when you got near, he tried to attack you! Or you can sprinkle cornmeal around and hope it eats it. It can't digest it, so it will die. The last method involves soap. This will be what I try next. My wonderful husband said he'll pick them off, but EWWWWWwww!!

I'm learning lots along the way with our garden. I must say that next year I'll be way better prepared.

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