Saturday, July 14, 2012

My New Family

Well truth be told, it's the same family with a few revisions. I got remarried to the man of my dreams a little over a year ago, I acquired a beautiful stepdaughter, and my daughter had my first grandson.

Now for the revisions. My daughter moved home with my grandson. For some reason I don't find it too strange. My mother thought it was odd, but it just feels right.

Sure we are a bit crowded but we couldn't be happier.

So, I began to question the whole idea of what a family was made up of. I have found that we are the new norm. 

Even if it wasn't considered "normal", that wouldn't bother me. I have never been accused of being normal, and quite frankly, I am a bit afraid of anyone that says they are.

Here's to our new happy family and it feels so good. :)

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